Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010

I need to stop taking it personally when I come up with an off the cuff line for a customer and he responds with "I bet you say that to all the guys". The first thing in my head when they make this remark is to get annoyed at the fact that they didn't acknowledge my keen sense of observation or my wit. It also rubs me the wrong way because I know for a fact that the majority of the other girls who have approached them before me have been formulaic and bland.

In order to make a sale you need to gain rapport with a customer. There is a basic formula for this; and in a smaller club, where you have less competition, this formula works pretty well.


"Hi! Nice to meet you! My name's Maggie Lynn. What's your name, handsome?"

*They answer*

"Nice to meet you (Mr. Name). Where are you from?"

*They answer*

If you know something about where they're from, you throw that in your response. If not you make something up about your "friend that lived there" in order to help them feel a sense of familiarity with you.


"Oh, (name hometown)? I vacationed there a few years back. I loved it!"

"Oh, (name hometown)? One of my best friends lived there for a while. They loved it!"

Avoid mentioning anything that has to do with your mother, father, brother, grandparents, or aunts and uncles with the above example. It humanizes you, and you don't want them thinking about how they could be your brother, father, uncle, ect, or that you are SOMEBODIES DAUGHTER. However mentioning your sister would be fine, because if they find you attractive, this will incite a background fantasy in their head of your hot sister, which relates to the twin fantasy many men have… which relates to the lesbian fantasy many men have. It's very subtle, but let them daydream. ;)


*They respond*

"So what brings you in tonight?"

*They respond*


"Oh no! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Then give a flirtatious smile.

"Oh! So who's the bachelor? Is it all about him tonight, or are you saving a little fun for yourself?" *wink and seductive smile*

"Oh, you're just checking things out? Well if you'd like to see what we have to offer, I hear I make a fantastic tour guide!" Then wink and smile, or smile and bite your lip.

The only issue with this formula in Vegas clubs is exactly that; it's too formulaic. More than likely, by the time you talk to a guy, he has already been asked and answered the "What's your name? Where you from? What's the occasion?" questions by a million other girls already. So that's not going to make you stand out.

I prefer to take an off the cuff approach as an introduction any chance I get. This serves two purposes. 1) It catches them off guard, and 2) it should make them laugh. I'm a firm believer that if you can make a customer laugh and put them at ease, the sale usually makes itself.

Two introductions I used tonight were as follows:


I walk up to a guy in a wheelchair sitting at a table with a group of his friends. The first thing I say to him is "You're a smart guy! You brought your own chair. I can see you think ahead!", then I laughed with him. This both flattered his ego by mentioning how “smart” he is, and also made him laugh. Which in this case served a dual purpose. Making customers laugh especially right off the bat puts them at ease, and considering I made a joke which was directed at his wheelchair, and flattery of his "cleverly bringing it along", it took away the fear he may have had about being a man in a wheelchair being approached by an attractive woman, because it showed I didn't care about the fact that he was disabled and was directing my attention to how ‘clever’ he is.


I am walking toward a guy. As we are about to cross paths he crooks his neck back to something we both saw, which caught his attention before he could see me. Some drunk guy had hoisted a dancer up onto the shoulders of his also inebriated buddy who was standing upright; like a piggy back ride... except backward, so her crotch region was in his face, and not on his back. I should also add that they were standing right on the edge of a downward staircase. There was a look of terror on the dancer's face at the fear of being dropped, and also at being man-handled without consent by this drunken fool. All ended well as they managed to put per down safely, and she managed to scurry away from them before they could cause anymore drama. None the less, it was a disturbing and potentially serious and dangerous situation which struck concern in everybody who observed it… except the two drunk douche bags (who could have cared less); so I figured the best way to defuse the tension would be to make fun of the seriousness of the situation. So when I approached the guy who had crooked his head backwards to see the ordeal, I said to him, before he had turned back to see that I had walked up to him, very dryly, "Well that's an accident just waiting to happen. Somebody should call O.S.H.A.!", then winked and laughed.

Ok, maybe that one was a bit abstract. After all, it was contingent on him being familiar with O.S.H.A.’s function, AND the fact that strippers are contractors, not employees… thus being able to digest and appreciate the irony in my comment. I think I probably overshot that one. None the less, this example aside, I was on it tonight. I brought my “A” game. I charmed the living crap out of so many guys tonight... but could barely make a sale! I was funny, clever, energetic, and seductive. Unfortunately, all of my charm and wit was to little avail. The majority of customers I spoke with were "broke", had "spent all their money gambling", or "just liked to hang out and talk to girls". Tonight was one of those "if I could Coinstar compliments, I'd be rich" nights.

Text Messages I sent tonight:

4:18am: "Tonight can take my dick and shove it up it's unlubricated butthole"

4:19am: "... vigorously"

5:15am: "I am officially ready to shoot myself in the face"

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